Ryde Epping Greens in Granny Smith Parade
Ryde Epping Greens marched in the Granny Smith festival on Saturday supporting the Greens NSW campaign " Farms not Coal". The march came in the week when the Federal Govt re-approved the Adani coal mine in Queensland. A dark day for Australia. We were supported by 4 Greens MP's. John Kaye, MLC who joined us in the march and Senator Lee Rhiannon and MLC's Mehreen Faruqi and David Shoebridge who joined us at our stall in the festival. It was a great day with over 25 supporters helping out. The evil Mr Coal joined in the march but was clearly overwhelmed by the charms of our Koala who clearly won the hearts of local residents especially the little ones. If you are concerned about the continued use of fossil fuels…