Keep Eastwood Park

Keep Eastwood Park

Don’t want to see Eastwood Park turned into a car park? Tell Transport NSW now!

The NSW government is planning for additional commuter parking at Eastwood Station with two proposals for locations on the table:

  • West Parade, lower Eastwood Park
  • West Parade, multi-storey over bus interchange

Neither option is great but we strongly object to the idea of losing such a large section of Eastwood Park where every day residents gather for late afternoon walks, sporting groups train and children are free to run around. Transport NSW is currently looking for community feedback, so let them know we have to preserve Eastwood Park.

As the population of Eastwood and surrounding areas increases we need more green areas, not less. The government have said they would construct a synthetic surface above the new car park for community and sporting groups to use but that’s hardly a good substitute for a heavily used and much appreciated playing field and recreational area in Eastwood. 

And one of the strangest things is that the government has not even offered the most obvious and sensible option: upgrading the Glen St/Lakeside Rd car park.

Eastwood Park is literally the place where the community comes together – during several large annual events like the Granny Smith festival – so let’s band together now to preserve our park! 

Transport NSW are looking for feedback by 5pm Sunday May 7, 2017 so use our submission form below (a copy of your feedback will also be sent to Ryde-Epping Greens) or email

Stuck on inspiration? You can read this excellent submission written by one of the Ryde-Epping Greens members, Lindsay Peters, a resident of Eastwood for over 20 years.