Stand with The Greens for a more caring society and sustainable environment and make a donation today. Political donations legislation in NSW is the strongest in the country because of campaigning by The Greens in parliament and in the community. Please read our Party policy for limits on each donation (per financial year).
Donate to Ryde and Epping Greens
Donations to Ryde-Epping Greens are most welcome. With state elections fast approaching, every donation will help ensure you get passionate Greens representatives to fight for a fair future for Ryde!
- Please donate here for Ryde or
- donate here for Epping to help fund our upcoming campaign.
Donate to The Greens NSW
Donations to The Greens NSW election campaigns are also most welcome. To help support The Greens NSW and the funding of their election campaigns, you can make a donation via the The Greens NSW website.
Donor transparency
The Greens believe it is in the best interest of our democratic system of government to ensure that all political parties make an open and transparent declaration of the source of all donations they receive. Find out more at democracy4sale.
Prefer to donate time rather than money?
If you would like to help out in other ways there is always a need for keen volunteers to help in our campaigns: become a Ryde-Epping Greens volunteer.